The Dance of the breath_ A weekend of 5Rhythmy dance led by Peter Wilberforce_ Budapest, 13-15. March 2015


Breath and breathing is an extraordinary part of being alive. It is the most basic element for our existence: without it there would be no life, no dance. At the same time, it is a mystery: untouchable and intangible. Breath is both a simple reality and an extraordinary wonder. And yet, for the most part, we take it for granted. We ignore what it can teach us, how it can guide us, where it could lead us.

If we awaken our awareness to the movement of breath – between body and space, between inside and outside – quality, density, mobility – how do we experience this element both real and mysterious? How do we experience ourself and the world? If we let the body soften to give physical expression to what we feel, how are we moved? And if we disappear into the dance of the breath what possibilities, what worlds open up to us?

During this weekend, using the map of the 5 Rhythms as our guide, we will connect to our breathing as inspiration, nourishment and support for our dances. We will drop deeply into ourselves to open more fully to the world around us. We will discover and rediscover ourselves from moment to moment, from inbreath to outbreath, between the known and the unknown, from inspiration to expression. Mystery made real: the dance of breath, the dance of life.

Friday open wave: 4000 HUF

Full price: 28000 HUF
Prebooking price: 23000 HUF (with 8000 HUF non-refundable deposit)

Preebooking date is 01. March 2015.

Friday: 19-22
Saturday: 11-18
Sunday: 10-17

About the location we will inform you via mail, after the application

Information and booking form:

Zsuzsi Kiss:
+36 30 693 25 65

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